Become a Volunteer

Why not become a Volunteer at TRCC

Volunteer at TRCC and change a persons life today. We have opportunities across the organisation from frontline serving survivors, to back end administration, fundraising and helplines.  What we do makes a real difference in someone’s life.  By giving your time, you will make a difference in a vulnerable person’s life and you will be helping us to achieve our vision where sexual violence is no longer tolerated – anywhere. By volunteering you will get the opportunity to:

  • Make new friends
  • Put your skills and talents to good use.
  • Learn new skills and gain experience in a new area.
  • Benefit from our volunteer training programme appropriate to your role.

Fill in our Volunteer Form to the right, or email us if you’d like to volunteer with Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre.

Volunteer for Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre

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Do you need to talk to someone?

at the Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre, we have training counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience


We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340

The 24 hour national helpline number is;  1800 77 8888


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Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email:

Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email:

We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340

The 24 hour national helpline number is;  1800 77 8888