Frequently Asked Questions
Who can avail of Tipperary Rape Crisis & Counselling Centres (TRCC) Services?
TRCC provide free confidential counselling to survivors of rape and/or child sexual abuse (male & female) their families, friends, or anyone affected by sexual violence. Under 18yrs with parental or professional referral.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge to attend TRCC for counselling. It is the ethos of the Centre that no survivor should have to pay for counselling.
What will happen at the first counselling appointment?
The first session is primarily an initial assessment. This offers the opportunity for you and your counsellor to explore what it is you want from counselling. Some background information will be discussed and the necessary paperwork completed.
What is sexual violence?
Sexual violence refers to sexual activity where consent is not obtained or freely given. Any inappropriate touch, verbal innuendo, intimidation, blackmail, bullying of a sexual nature. Coercing a person to engage in sex against their will, even if that person is a spouse or intimate partner is a act of aggression and violence.
What can the effects of sexual violence be to the survivor?
The effects can include nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive memories and high levels of fear and distress. Attending for counselling can help alleviate the effects.
Am I going mad/am I normal?
When someone has been raped or sexually abused they can experience effects. These effects can make them feel distressed. Counselling can help people become aware that the effects are a normal reaction to the abnormal events they have experienced. Here in TRCC we look at what resources and support people have in their lives and help them manage their feelings and move beyond their past experiences. If you are worried about any of these feelings please ring our helpline.
Does going for counselling mean I am a failure?
No it does not as it takes great courage and strength to ask for help. People who can admit to having difficulties coping are strong. Going for counselling can be the first step on the road to recovery.
Can anyone really recover from such a traumatic event?
Here in TRCC we are clear that the answer to this question is yes-people can and do recover from traumatic events and experiences. Since the Centre first opened in April 1986 we have worked with very many clients who have moved beyond the past to fuller and happier lives.
For how long do I need to attend for counselling?
The length of time someone attends for counselling varies from person to person. Everyone is an individual and each person’s experience is unique, so the duration of their counselling cannot be predicted. It will vary from a few weeks up to a few months or longer. Most people feel the benefit of counselling after a few sessions. It is always the choice of the individual whether or not they want to continue with the counselling process.The counsellor will make time to discuss with you at your sessions.
How long is a counselling session?
A counselling session lasts for one hour.
Do I always see the same counsellor?
Client of TRCC always see the same counsellor and will be able to develop a trusting relationship with that person.
Are the counsellors trained?
All the counsellors of TRCC are professionally qualified counsellors with specific training in sexual violence and are accredited with one of the professional counselling organisations.
How often does someone attend for counselling?
Counselling is normally offered on a weekly basis. This is to allow clients time between sessions to integrate their experience of the session. We believe the pace of counselling is vital so depending on the clients need weekly, fortnightly and three weekly appointments are all options. It will be agreed between the client and the counsellor depending on individual circumstances.

Do you need to talk to someone?
at the Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre, we have training counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience
We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340
The 24 hour national helpline number is; 1800 77 8888

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Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email: info@trcc.ie

Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email: info@trcc.ie
We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340
The 24 hour national helpline number is; 1800 77 8888