What to do if you have been raped
What do to if you have been Raped
We understand that you may find it painful or embarrassing to talk about what happened. We will be polite, patient, sensitive and nonjudgmental.
You can contact us on our helpline at 1800 340 340 (office hours) or the 24 hour contact line on 1800 77 8888.
If you need urgent medical care or attention, call 999 (or 112 from a mobile) and ask for an ambulance, or go straight to your nearest Accident & Emergency department.
If you have been Raped Abroad

Do you need to talk to someone?
at the Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre, we have training counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience
We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340
The 24 hour national helpline number is; 1800 77 8888

Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email: info@trcc.ie

Tipperary Rape Crisis Offices: 20 Mary Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Tel: 052 6127677| email: info@trcc.ie
We offer a Confidential Helpline during opening hours. 1800 340 340
The 24 hour national helpline number is; 1800 77 8888